Tooth decay is caused by acids produced by bacterial plaque stuck on your teeth. Prevention is as simple as controlling its buildup by regularly brushing with fluoridated toothpaste and being conscious of your in-between snacking. This makes tooth decay one of mankind's most preventable diseases.

Fluoride is incorporated into the tooth enamel surface, making it more resistant to acidic attack. Frequent snacking during the course of a day increases bacterial acid activity. Therefore, reducing in-between snacks that are high in carbohydrates and brushing after snacking reduces the risk of developing future cavities.

However, have you ever wondered why some people have more tooth decay than others? Even when one person seems to take just as good care of their teeth as the other? Do you have a sibling or loved one that always gets perfect checkups, while you get the dreaded “we’re going to have to do something about that tooth decay”? In other words, why is it that some people are more prone to decay than others?

Well, one reason may lie in the chemistry of your saliva; particularly its acidity level.

The bacteria that cause tooth decay thrive in an acidic environment. These bacteria increase the acidity level of the saliva, creating an even more favorable environment. Take away the acid and you take away the ability for bacteria to cause damage.

So what DOES cause higher acid in a person’s mouth? Well, some things are in our control and some things aren’t. The things you have control over include:

  • The foods you eat – Sure, we all know to avoid sugary foods as they “cause cavities”, but did you know that sticky healthy foods do the same? Bananas, peanut butter and dried fruit are good examples.
  • The frequency of eating – If you expose your teeth to food more often, you will have a higher chance of tooth decay. For example, if you spread your three square meals a day over five meals with the same amount of food, you will increase your chances of decay.

So what to do about it?

  • Continuous regular fluoride treatment – Regular constant fluoride exposure helps your tooth enamel resist bacteria. This is easily done by constantly brushing your teeth with a fluoride tooth paste and having the hygienist apply fluoride on your teeth during your regular checkups.
  • Clean your teeth after meals - Brush after meals, rinse with a flouride containing mouthwash, or even rinse with water. Getting rid of the excess food in your mouth gives bacteria less to eat and thus reduces their ability to create an acidic environment. Even if you are spreading your meals throughout the day, this will decrease your chances of tooth decay.
  • Maintain a healthy life style with regular brushing and flossing.

One last thing! If the good dentists at EviDental find that you are at high risk of tooth decay, you must be extra diligent with brushing with Fluoride tooth paste - especially after snacks and in between meals.